Q u a l i t y W i n e f r o m G e o r g i a

T h e S t o r y B e h i n d O u r W i n e r y

First steps to creating a winery were made in 2009, when group of wine enthusiast
started making small quantity wines in a family cellar. Creating a high-quality Georgian
wine with endemic grape varieties set in the center of our philosophy

Kartuli Marani
Saperavi Qvevri
Qvevri wine made with best selected grapes using traditional Georgian method. Wine is aged on stem and skin, where stems play major role in final taste of the wine

Kartuli Marani
Traditional Georgian PDO wine made from Saperavi grapes cultivated in the strictly regulated micro-zone of Kindzmarauli, Kvareli district, Kakheti, Eastern Georgia

Kartuli Marani
Traditional Georgian PDO wine made from Rkatsiteli and Mtsvane Kakhuri grape varieties cultivated in the strictly regulated micro-zone of Tsinandali, Telavi district, Kakheti, Eastern Georgia.

Traditional Georgian table wine made from Saperavi grape variety cultivated in Kakheti region of Eastern Georgi

Traditional Georgian medium sweet table wine Ojaleshi is made from the preferred Ojaleshi grapes cultivated in Lechkhumi region of Western Georgia

Kisi Qvevri
Qvevri wine made with best selected grapes using traditional Georgian method. Wine is aged on stem and skin, where stems play major role in final taste of the wine

Health Benefits of White Wine
Winemaking or vinification is the production of wine, starting with the selection of the fruit, its fermentation into alcohol, and the bottling of the finished

Annual Wine Awards 2020
Winemaking or vinification is the production of wine, starting with the selection of the fruit, its fermentation into alcohol, and the bottling of the finished