O u r S t o r y

First steps to creating a winery were made in 2009, when group of wine enthusiast started making small quantity wines in a family cellar. Creating a high-quality Georgian wine with endemic grape varieties set in the center of our philosophy.
Within the next few years, we continued producing small-lot, vineyard designated wines that truly express the land they come from.
Our passion to create better wines each year, led us to building Qvevri cellar in Kakheti region of Georgia in 2014, resulting in first export sales already in 2015.
With increased wine production and experience in winemaking, our team started to work on building full cycle, modern winery in Kakheti, which was opened in the end of 2018. Winery is equipped with distillery for brandy and chacha production.
Our Story
H o w I t A l l B e g a n


O v e r F i v e S t e p s o f H i s t o r y

The Beginning
First steps in creating wine and small family cellar.
Building the Qvevri Cellar
The winery produces first wines at new cellar in Kakheti region

First Export
At this year our winery made a first sales outside of Georgia, having partners in 11
countries after just 8 years.
Buying vineyards and land
Winery bought 70 hectares of vineyards in Kakheti and 30 hectares in other regions of

Building modern full cycle winery
New winery with modern Italian equipment producing 18 types of wine, brandy and chacha.

M i n d f u l n e s s o f t h e E n v i r o n m e n t

As part of the agricultural industry, we fully depend on our surrounding, just as it depends on us. That’s why we grow our produce organically and sustainably. Over the past decades the carbon footprint of the winery has been positive, which is something we’re really proud of.

As part of the agricultural industry, we fully depend on our surrounding, just as it depends on us. That’s why we grow our grapes sustainably. Over the past years the carbon footprint of the winery has been positive, which is something we’re really proud of